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FENCES (2017) - Review

Denzel Washington in a theater recut, where he was also the main character, and hosting it. The movie was in cinemas at the beginning of February 2017, and so here is my review about





(screenplay), (based upon his play "Fences")



Troy Maxson makes his living as a sanitation worker in 1950s Pittsburgh. Maxson once dreamed of becoming a professional baseball player, but was deemed too old when the major leagues began admitting black athletes. Bitter over his missed opportunity, Troy creates further tension in his family when he squashes his son's chance to meet a college football recruiter.


Fences's running time is about 139 minutes, its a Drama, is PG-13 rated, and was in cinemas February 2017. It tell us the story about Troy Maxson (Denzel Washington). He lives in Pitsburgh at the end of 50s, he was once a really good baseball player, but not succeeded in this, he is a trash collector at the streets, he works hard, every Friday he is going out with his friends, and he loves his family more than anything else. The family, who contains his wife, a sun, who is 34 years old, and Cory, who is the youngest, and has to go his way from College to University. Cory is Football talent, which Troy does not like because of his experiences. Troy himself is disappointed from his own life, and so there is a clue between his family and himself, hence he enjoys life, but also suffers. Awarded and based on a script made for the theater has Fences an absolutely in my eyes great score and it is worth enough to see, not just because of the cast.

The CAST is set with Denzel Washington as Troy Maxson and his wife Viola Davis as Rose Maxson. Troy is the leader of the family, he is disappointed from his own life, he is hard and the toughest guy in the family. H wants people to say thank you for his work, he does not like his sun in the sense, that it is a must. That is his behaviour, but he is too much like in his theater role.
Viola Davis, Rose in the movie, the suffers also, because she gave everything for the family, gave up her personality and her own life, just to be a good mama. In that moment, where there is a turning point in the movie, she changes, she is asking questions, why things are happening to her, and ask about her own life. She is insane in her acting in a good, and in the scene, where she has a 2 minutes monolog, the camera is fully pointing on her, which is pure energy and goosebumps to see. I love her performance. 

Other characters are Cory Maxson played by Jovan Adepo and the uncle Gabriel played by Mykelti
Williamson. The movie is full of details about the family, which come up step by step, so that we never get bored while watching, and get more to know about each person, where he or she comes from, and why they behave as they do. But we will feel it that the movie is longer than 2 hours.

The CAMERMA is almost static, not fast, calm, and like the 50.

The SETTING is the house of Troy only.

There is almost no MUSIC. If, it supports the story.

No EFFECTS as well.


What I like about the movie:
The story telling, the cast, and the camera, which faces the people a lot of focuses on the dialogues, and there are a lot of them in Fences, a title, which can be discussed, since racism is also a topic in the movie.

What I do not like about the movie:
It is a bit too long.

So if you are a fan of Dramas, especially when you are a fan of Denzel Washington, then watch it and enjoy a good and nice way of how to bring theater from the Broadway to Hollywood on the big screen.
For its genre as well as overall I give Fences 8/10 points, so enjoy it, thanks for reading, and see you soon.

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